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Model Coaster Weekend in Kansas City

model coaster model rides science city union station weekend

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#1 KCForce



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Posted 23 July 2012 - 11:52 PM

(First Post - Mod's - I read through the forum topics and hope this would go here as it isn't really about building per se - please feel free to move it to an area you think is the most appropriate - thank you!) Hi all. I'm KCForce, and have been a lurker here for quite a while. I'm really impressed with all the SS/micro coasters and rides I've seen on here throughout the years I've seen on here. Some of you may be familiar with my scratch built models I build from my YouTube channel or website. I use the K'nex micro coaster motors, cogs, chain and rods on my working models, everything else is scratch built.

I have a permanent display of some of my models at Science City, a science center in Kansas City, Missouri that includes the first five roller coasters at Worlds of Fun and one rotating/changing model on display in the showcase model window.

The reason I am posting this is to let you know who I am and to pose a question to the many members here at SSCoasters to get some feedback.

We (my self and the Union Station Staff - where Science City is located and is a part of) are in the preliminary stages of planning either an amusement park physics/roller coaster/model roller coaster weekend at Science City. I am a member of their volunteer staff, I make no money whatsoever, just to be clear. While I realize that many of the SSMembers are located outside of the U.S., I was wondering if there is any interest from any of the members who might be near or in the Kansas City area (or outside of it!) who would be interested in bringing one or more of their K'nex coasters (or other working model coasters, possibly other amusement models) to Science City one weekend in January, 2013?

I'm kind of envisioning it as a model coaster convention of sorts.

A few facts: Keep in mind please, this is all tentative, nothing is set in stone yet!

One weekend in January TBD.

The hours for Science City that weekend would be 9:30 a.m. - 5 p.m. Saturday and 12 noon - 5 p.m. Sunday.

There would also possibly be other activities that weekend that are related. I'm possibly doing a workshop on building my flattrack style of models (for free). Maybe someone out there would like to do a K'nex one? Also a program on the physics of real life rides in our Science on a Sphere and other demos related to amusement park/roller coaster physics.

Your model should be a working one. No static models please. It should be of a roller coaster or other amusement ride that you have scratch built using K'nex; custom built or used some type of modification to. The exception to this would be if anyone has any of the CoasterDynamix working models, and of course custom CD model are encouraged as well. Also in exception would be any scratch built models that work coaster or otherwise. We'd also consider any of the HO scale built working models from kits. We're covering the entire gambit of working models, and I definitely want some SS/micro K'nex coasters displayed too. I'd build one, but truth is, I totally suck at building scratch built SS/micro coasters.

There would be no charge to set up a model coaster (or other working) ride display. It would be an opportunity to display your work to the visitors to Science City that weekend and to tell folks about your model - what inspired it, how long you've been modeling, etc.

Set up would be on a Friday evening after Science City closes at 5 p.m. - probably til 8 or 9 that evening - possilby longer if needed. We may be able to let folks set up early on Saturday morning if there is a need, but we'd need to have the models up and ready for when Science City opens that weekend Saturday at 9:30 a.m.

You would not be able to take your model down until 5 p.m. on Sunday when Science City closes.

Union Station/Science City would promote the event in advance on their websites, and blast emails to members and possibly through other media. Weekends are the busiest time during the winter. There is not real way to gauge what the turnout would be, but I anticipate on the low end between 500 - 1,000 folks at day. Sometimes the turnout for special events is much higher than anticipated. Weather, what else is going on that weekend, all factor into attendance. I can't guarantee how big the crowds may or may not be. I of course am hoping for a large turnout, but who knows.

You probably would have time to go check out the rest of Science City for free as an exhibitor sometime during the weekend - just not everyone at once. We'd more than likely do it in staggered shifts.

You would be responsible for the transport, setup, manning of your ride (you could bring another person, possibly more depending on how large your display is) and tear down of your model/area as well as your own expenses related to travel to the KC area (meals, hotel, etc.). Science City is a non-profit organization and Science Center. The "payment" for participating would be the impressed visitors. I can tell you from personal experience, people go NUTS over working custom built model roller coasters, in fact many have never even heard of a working model roller coaster. They will ask you all sorts of questions, and the compliments flow all day long. This happens every day that I work at my exhibit. The same I think would be true for any other type of working ride as well. If it moves, people are mesmerized!

You can bring as many models as you wish, the more the better - however if we have lots of interest, we may have to limit the number - which I hope is the case. I will have between 2 - 5 working models depending on how many I have built beforehand and what the participation rate is.

So, let me know if you think you would be interested in participating and what type of model you would bring and how big it is (feet X feet or m X m). This is open to anyone, anywhere who is willing and able to travel to Kansas City that weekend. It'd be great if you just post here in this thread, so I don't have to check email or my website - just keep it all in one place.

We're not sure what we're calling the weekend. I originally envisioned a Model Coaster Con I, but who knows. Maybe Model Rides Weekend or something. Also, any input or ideas you'd like to share would be great as well! I'll keep you all posted as I get feedback and the planning moves forward. Thanks for your input! It would also give fellow builders a chance to meet one another, and perhaps we could do an activity that weekend - there is a credit (a Python Pit, but hey, it'll be open, and it gets me through the winters here) in the area. Union Station is in the Crown Center area of KC, which is one of the main tourist areas with lots to do and see.


#2 A.S.C.



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Posted 24 July 2012 - 01:28 AM

That's really cool, I've actually been following your designs on Youtube for over a year now. I'm not near the Kansas area though, but I'm sure some other members are. Well, welcome to SSCoasters! Enjoy your stay. ;)


#3 Knexrule11


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Posted 26 July 2012 - 11:53 AM

I also have been following you on YT for a very long time. I actually tried making a coaster like yours, I ran in to some trouble, and am now waiting for your few last tutorial videos. Sadly, I'm nowhere near Kansas City though.

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#4 -Saam-



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Posted 31 July 2012 - 07:31 PM

I live in Kansas City - I'll have to head to Union Station and check out your work sometime! I barely go there anymore. It would be awesome to see these though!

#5 KCForce



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Posted 03 August 2012 - 01:12 PM

I live in Kansas City - I'll have to head to Union Station and check out your work sometime! I barely go there anymore. It would be awesome to see these though!

Awesome. Do you have a K'nex model you can bring or build? You could attend for free...I don't have any K'nex coasters yet and I'd really like to have at least one for this event.

#6 Rollerfreak987


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Posted 03 August 2012 - 04:06 PM

Dang, why can't it be closer?? I'd love to attend but as you can see by my location, that isn't a possibility. Welcome to the forums too!

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#7 pkiknex25



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Posted 03 August 2012 - 05:11 PM

Honestly, I would do it if I lived in St. Louis. But Cincinnati is over double that.

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#8 KCForce



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Posted 03 August 2012 - 05:54 PM

Honestly, I would do it if I lived in St. Louis. But Cincinnati is over double that.

Ah come on. It's only 4 more hours from St. Louis to Kansas City. I just drove from Kansas City to Canton, OH and back 13 hours each way basically non-stop. I hope you'll give it some consideration. Heck PM me, I'll even put you up if you bring a model - we have 3 guest rooms! I really want to SSC community to be represented.

Also tagged with one or more of these keywords: model coaster, model rides, science city, union station, weekend