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There were 6 results tagged with custom

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  1. Found a good use for those hweels

    Friction is a bitch but I could probably cover up those rails with some tape.
    Shamelessly using #workshopwednesday on a Friday.

    • Apr 13 2018 07:33 PM
    • by YolosweggLord
  2. Found a good use for those hweels

    Friction is a bitch but I could probably cover up those rails with some tape.
    Shamelessly using #workshopwednesday on a Friday.

    • Apr 13 2018 07:33 PM
    • by YolosweggLord
  3. Painted Trains

    Just painted my trains! Although they look a bit lighter in this picture, I think they turned out well. Thanks to TheSUCKcrew's tut.

    • Jul 14 2017 10:06 PM
    • by sean9782
  4. Custom B&M Invert Trains

    Custom trains I made last week. I originally planned to enter Summer Heat under the 'New Train of Thought' contest, but I switched and have already started my new coaster.

    p.s. It turns out that inverts are much harder to build.

    • Jul 03 2017 12:23 AM
    • by sean9782
  5. VV B&M Wingrider custom cars

    This is my latest (and so far best) attempt at custom VV B&M Wingrider cars. Each wheelbase holds 2 rows of seats. The set of red/purple and green connectors at the center of each row is a system of making custom cars that I came up with; they're evenly spaced if you use 2 micro blue spaces between each car, and they're capable of holding a chain dog in place, eliminating the need for an unaltered wheelbase front half that a lot of other custom cars have. At some point soon I'm going to try to make a tutorial for these, including several other car types using the same system.

    • Jul 12 2017 01:53 PM
    • by YolosweggLord
  6. New custom trains

    This is a custom train I've made for a new coaster I'm working on. The seats themselves are modeled after those on the human side of the Battlestar Galactica roller coaster at Universal Studios Singapore. The front and back parts of the train are from the Mecha Strike building set.

    • Nov 13 2017 03:33 AM
    • by YolosweggLord