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There were 4 results tagged with dueling

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  1. Tundra

    My entry for the SSCoasters.net yearly winter contest. Construction time was approximately 30-40 hours, over the course of 2 months. Enjoy!

    • Nov 01 2015 03:50 PM
    • by Zorn
  2. Vertigo

    Inspired by the polercoaster concept pioneered by US Thrill Rides and Intamin, my latest creation features over 26 metres of track twisting around a central tower, making it the longest micro K'nex (VV) coaster ever built. The ride layout includes 7 inversions, 8 airtime moments, a beyond vertical drop and a first of its kind spiral lift. This model is a product of 3 years of building assisted by the kind members of SSCoasters.net.

    Vertigo stands at 2.01 metres (6.59 feet) tall and the two halves of the layout are designed to duel if the timing is right! The top part of the layout contains tight turns and Eurofighter-style inversions, whilst the other half features fast airtime hills and sweeping overbanked turns.

    • Sep 23 2020 06:57 AM
    • by Batwing
  3. Twisted Colossus

    The dueling is regulated by a lego EV3 block at the top of the lift, which ensures that they always drop at the same time. This is a recreation of Twisted Colossus at Six Flags Magic Mountain, except I extended the layout a bit.

    • Sep 07 2021 02:46 PM
    • by DryEye6780
  4. Frutti-Tutti Whirl

    My maddest creation yet is a duelling multi-looper, inspired by the Smiler at Alton Towers, which features 9 inversions and the first ever elevator lift on a Slimtrack coaster. The ride has a total track length of around 20 metres, with highlights including a beyond-vertical drop, a Staffordshire knot (Comprised of a Batwing and a Cobra Roll), a zero-G roll, Stengel Dive, two immelmans, plenty of airtime and many more duelling interactions.

    Thanks to everyone for getting through this gargantuan project with my sanity intact (just)

    • Dec 10 2015 03:42 PM
    • by Batwing